November, 2007

Greetings to current and former PCC owners, and friends:

WHAT'S NEW: It's that time of year again. Besides our nearing the holiday season,
it is time to give some thought to PCCYRA Executive Board Member elections.
All positions are open to any PCCYRA member. The offices are, President, Vice
President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Fleet Captains. The currently elected are:

President: Neil Atwood
#1 - Eulalie
Pacific Northwest Fleet

Vice President: David Rice
#3 - Selene
San Diego Fleet

Secretary/Treasurer: Archie Contreras
#12 - Ballerina
San Francisco Bay Area Fleet

Fleet Captain: Chris Museler
# 14 - Totem (Ex-Janley)
East Coast Fleet

Fleet Captain: Jean Alexander
# 16 - Lark
Los Angeles Area Fleet

Fleet Captain: Jim Conachen
#19 - Belle of the West
Pacific Northwest Fleet

Please give this some thought and contact either Archie of myself by the end
of this month. We need to hold the elections in December for an effective
date of January 1, 2008. Don't forget that the original PCCYRA Constitution
and By-Laws were approved October 2, 1948. Next year marks the 60 year
anniversary. If anyone doesn't have a copy of the current CONSTITUTION and
contact Archie or myself.

I am contacting Greg Stewart at the Ancient Mariner's Sailing Society
regarding the 2008 PCCYRA Nationals being  held in conjunction with the
Kettenburg Regatta again next year. I'll keep you up-dated on that. By the
way, I don't think it's too late for one of your yachting friends to buy
Kachina, PCC # 23 (race ready), and enter the 2008 PCCYRA Nationals. I bet
Mark would even put a crew together for you, if you supply the beer. Or
maybe you want to keep a PCC in southern California or Mexico for a place to
live and sail in the winter?

In the News:

Jack Sutphen's book "Messing About in Boats for 80 Years with Jack Sutphen",
published by the Classic Yacht Foundation will be ready for distribution by
the end of this month. The launch of the book will be a book signing at the
San Diego Yacht Club on Saturday December 8th. The book signing will be held
in the yacht club library on the second floor from 12 noon to 5:00 PM

I intend to be at Jack's book signing along with Steve Barber, and Nick Lee.
I don't know if Dennis Conner will be there or not, but I am sure he is
invited. Jack will also have a book signing at the Maritime Museum of San
Diego. Check their web site for more information.

If you can't make it to any of the book signings, you can purchase the book
on the Classic Yacht Foundation web site:
which lists all of the book signing locations, or through a link on the
Kettenburg Boat Owners Association web site:  It's
the perfect holiday gift, so buy a few hundred copies for yourself, and your

I hope to see you in San Diego on the 8th,

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