OWING to a tremendous demand by Pacific Coast yachtsmen, particularly the sailors and crews of the PCs, for a snappy sailing boat with reasonable accommodations for four, that will cruise or race and still be in a price range that the average person can reach, the Kettenburg Boat Works have designed the K-38 (Kettenburg-38).
K-38 is 38' overall by 25'10" waterline, 8' beam, S'2" draft. Sail area, 538 square feet, with sails by Kenneth Watts. She is powered by a Gray Light 4 auxiliary, using a folding propeller similar to the PCCs. The boat will have rsleeping accommodations for 4,-2 in the main cabin and a double bunk in the forward cabin. Galley will be located in the doghouse with the ice-box on the starboard side and the stove and sink on the port side. The head will be forward of the main cabin. Mast will be Sitka spruce, hollow construction. Ballast will be lead, approximately 3800 pounds. Head room in the doghouse, 6'. It will be noted from the drawing that the doghouse covers approximately half of the main cabin, thus giving 6' head room in that part. | ![]() |
Specifications are as follows: Planking, 7/8" Vertical Grain Douglas Fir: decking, 5/8" molded Weldwood Plywood, canvas covered; ribs, 13/a,' x 13/8" white oak; stem, 33/4" oak; keel and deadwood, fir. Fastenings, bronze. Rigging, Hazard Korodless stainless steel with TruLock fittings. Cabin deck, 3/4" molded Weldwood Plywood, canvas covered. Bulkheads, Weldwood Plywood; cabin sides, cockpit coamings and toe rails of mahogany. The design and specifications of this boat have been made with the thought of building a well designed and constructed boat to be sold at a reasonable price in today's market. In order to do this, it has been necessary to eliminate all frills and trim that do not necessarily add to the sturdiness and quality of the boat. This design will fill in a gap that has existed between the PC and PCC. The class designation has been changed from the regular PC and PCC theme to the K-38, owing to a certain amount of confusion that would be created by adding another one of these insignia. |