See below some old ads we have found. Click on the smaller picture to see a larger one.
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Sea the Pacific Yachting Magazine
December, 1945

Sea the Pacific Yachting Magazine
May, 1946

Sea the Pacific Yachting Magazine
March, 1947

Sea the Pacific Yachting Magazine
January, 1949

SEA Western Yachting & Boating
May, 1950

SEA Western Yachting & Boating
December, 1950

SEA Western Yachting & Boating
June, 1951

Sea and Pacific Motor Boat
July, 1958

Sea and Pacific Motor Boat
May, 1958

Sea and Pacific Motor Boat
May, 1958

Sea and Pacific Motor Boat
July, 1958

Sea and Pacific Motor Boat
August, 1958

Sea Magazine
July, 1940

Sea Magazine
July, 1940

Sea Magazine
July, 1940

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